Friday, February 24, 2012

Light Up The Darkness

I wake up on my bed, hear a car leaving the house. I look outside the window but the car has already left my sight. I panic, search every bedroom. Only to find nobody at home.

Where is everybody?

"Mum!? Mum!?"

I run downstairs and there she is, reading a book with her granny glasses on and her cup of tea with toast and jam. Orange (the cat) is lying next to her on the couch. 

She smiles at me, 

"Miss me?" 

I smile back, 

"I thought nobody was at home.." 

What a stupid answer.
Okay, I did miss her. Maybe a little. Maybe even a lot.
Because for a second I felt like I was lost in the dark.
Like someone had switched off all the lights.
And I was searching for someone, something, anything. 
But when I finally found her,

Let's just say,
there is a light that shines brighter than the sun

..and it never goes out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

just finished trials, not ready yet. You ?

fucking trials is over folks, been studying for 6 shit hours! spm is about 40 days and adam and irfan keep calling me asking to hang. what am i shitting about, that's what seventeens are sppsd to do, not roll around in bed full time. about the trials, yup improve. but I want an A :'(

awesome cover from a 9 year old boy, the lyrics sure match for my mood lately. only and ass will hated it. well enjoy bitches!

Friday, July 22, 2011


That's it. No more outing till after SPM. It's now or never. It's about time you realize we're running out of time. Let's make our parents proud. They give us freedom and everything we want at times, the least we could do is pay them back with good results. After all these years it's finally coming to an end. Let's not screw this up alright? Wish me luck. Peace motherfuckers.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm no good.

I think the stress has finally got to me. My head is filled with all these voices telling me that i'm an asshole for my stupidity, since my shitty result had happen. Im still feeling so guilt though, for disappointing my mom. For breaking her trust in me. Im exhausted physically & mentally. I need a short period of time to get my mind straight. And now im doing the best i can to achieve great results, but all these pressure is not doing any good for me. Call me a wuss,but I dont work well under pressure.

2011 is fuckin insane, spm is literally killing me )';

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Conversation with my four year-old cousin ;B

me: did you pee marsya?
marsya: no , i shee shee-d
me: *laughs . pee is shee shee marsya 
marsya: oh *confused face 

hahaha, i can still  memorize her words :D. feel like using blogspot today. ok bye